Sunday, 15 February 2015

Carnival - The Feast of the Maries

This celebration was born long before the beginning of the celebrations of the Carnevale and it is the oldest celebration in Venice. It is connected with an episode happened on the day of the Feast of the Purification of Mary. On that day, in the Church of San Pietro di Castello, the bishop would bless marriages and in particular those of the twelve brides chosen amongst the poorer families of Venice. During the ceremony the wealthy patricians of Venice gifted the twelve poor maidens with donations. The brides, in white dresses, wore jewels and gold lent them by the State. After the blessing and the lavish wedding, the brides received the homage of the Doge at the Doge Palace and attended the banquet. Later, on the Bucintoro they followed the Canal Grande to the Church of Santa Maria Formosa fore more celebrations. In 934 on this occasion the Venetians brides were kidnapped by Narentine pirates along with their dowries and jewels. The outraged Venetians chased the pirates and nearby the port of Caorle they slaughtered the lot and saved the brides. In honour of the brides the port where they were saved is still called the 'Port of the Maidens'. La Festa delle Marie (the Feast of the Maries) commemorates the victory which was attributed to the intercession of Mary. Originally, the feast consisted of a boat parade taking the twelve most beautiful girls in Venice sumptuously dressed along the Canals. They would take part in religious functions, dances, music and refreshments. The city admired their beauty and considered being near them to bring good luck. Eventually, over the centuries, the spirit of the feast was undermined, the ceremony lost its original religious importance and turn into a mere opportunity to admire the beautiful girls. In 1349 the girls were therefore replaced by twelve wooden figures which became targets for the unhappy citizens to throw vegetables.  The celebration was then suppressed in 1793. The ancient festival was reintroduced in recent times and it is celebrated during the Carnevale, with the election, on the last day, of the Maria of the Year.